Monday, June 11, 2012

Welcome to Redfern's Digital Outlander

Welcome to my blog "Redfern's Digital Outlander". I am going to keep this first post short and sweet, because I only want to set the initial mile marker. Please come back for what I will hope to become destination for useful, entertaining, instructional and enlightening digital marketing information. I plan on presenting my tricks, processes, ideas and insights for Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing. I believe that marketing is changing. The tools that traditional agencies are evolving and how technology is working to make marketing more efficient. A famous comment usually attributed to Lord Leverhulme goes: “I know that half of my advertising budget is wasted, but I’m not sure which half” Without giving away the ending of the story, there are so may ways that digital marketing will help you determine what is working with your campaigns. This will allow you to focus and adapt your efforts for maximum spending efficiency.